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Aktietorget change Nasdaq against the NGM, but the fusion is not current according to the CEO.

The Aktietorget on Tuesday announced the change of trading platform from Nasdaq’s ”Inet Nordic to NGM-stock exchange, Elasticia, means that there is just over a 15-year-old teknikpartnerskapet with the Nasdaq canceled in favor of the German owned competitor.

It confirms Aktietorgets ceo is Peter Gönczi for News Directly on Wednesday.

”Yes, after we migrated,” he replies on the question of handelsplattformsbytet means that the equities Market place now, breaking Nasdaqpartnerskapet.

Asked about the reason, he says it in a broad perspective is good if plattformsspelplanen contains more equal players.

”It is good if it is in a infrastructure, there are several suppliers who are large enough. As it has been until now, both we and the Nasdaq in the same platform, it has been a very big player and a lot smaller. Now evens we like it a little, which is probably good for everything from price levels to the ability to develop new features via alliances and so on.”

Aktietorget has , according to Peter Gönczi easier to work with it more of the same height NGM than with the Nasdaq, which to some extent is believed to mitigate the negative economic impact of the regulatory framework, Mifid2, which is launched to the end of the year and is expected to result in major costs for the company which operates exchanges and trading venues.

Furthermore, he points out that Elasticiaplattformen, which was launched in 2010 and used for NGM’s nordic operations, has been in full operation since then with 100 percent uptime in spite of large trading volumes (mainly due to a large and rapidly growing trade in derivatives; the NGM stock exchange aktievolymer is comparatively small).

”It is a modern, yet proven platform,” said Peter Gönczi.

The cost of plattformsbytet, or whether it means higher or lower costs for Market than in the past, he does not. He suggests, however, that it does not become more expensive:

”The hope around collaborations and opportunities for development is that we should not have to raise the brokerage fees that we might otherwise have needed to do, or at least not as much.”

You will see the NGM as a partner or continued as a competitor, henceforth?

”On bolagssidan is a competitor and on the table of a partner – just as we had it between Aktietorget and Nasdaq First North, which has worked well. I see no problem with this: it is relatively equal partners, and I consider that it is good that you have a common highway, then you can have a car to compete with.”

Any particular trigger to plattformsbytet is according to Peter Gönczi not; rather, there are an ever increasing development needs on the one hand, Aktietorget, which deal with the will, in the long term, for example, be able to manage multiple currencies, something that is supposed to be easier in the new platform, and secondly the supposed changes with Mifid2, with an expected greater need of teknikanpassningar.

”The ongoing development of the financial markets going pretty quickly,” summarizes the investment and describes the upcoming Mifid2-the changes that the complex and multi-faceted.

This is a first step towards a merger of the Aktietorget and NGM stock exchange?


Measured in the number of listings so far this year, the First North had more than twice as many as Aktietorget, 40 pieces against Aktietorgets 16, according to the site new issues.see. Closing the gap is in line with the fjolårsfacit, 67 to 24.

How do you think the Market stands up to First North in the IPO haussen?

”They might have had more listings than we do, but we have also had a good spring with historical standards. Then: haussen has also been a tough climate, because everything that has come out has not gone particularly well. Then it is even more important that you do a good job, so that you get into good company in the long term, can do well.”

Dagens Industri wrote in may 2016 about how some investors with wealthy saudi Salén in the tip, bought a total of 36% of the Market (mainly from Sedermeragrundarna Stefan Lundgren and Per Lundqvist, said Peter Gönzci to Directly).

Peter Gönczi says that ownership is essentially the same now as the newspaper described, with the financier Staffan Persson, who is the largest shareholder with 40 per cent.

Handelsplattformsbytet is not something the new ägarkonstellationen have driven on, “he says, but a part of the entire company including the owners’ willingness to ”make things better”.

”It is clear, such as this, the big things do you do without to have spoken with its largest shareholder, but it is driven by us as a company.”

Tradingportalen/Agency Directly.
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