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The servants show to their status and the public services

Civil servants ‘ demonstration, may 22, 2018 to Montpellier, france (Photo by PASCAL GUYOT. AFP)

Postal workers, teachers, égoutiers… officials began to protest Tuesday to defend their status and oppose the reform of the government, at their third day of mobilization since the election of Emmanuel Macron whom they accuse of “attacking”.

The operation of the schools and colleges is disrupted, as is the home in nurseries, airplanes are grounded and power outages are to be expected. SOUTHERN Rail has also filed a notice of strike when the next episode of two days, the SNCF will start at 20: 00.

Between 130 and 140 demonstrations are scheduled throughout France.

In Marseille, the ranks were thinned. Factors, students, teachers, and retirees were set in motion at about 11: 00 in the rain. Leonor, delegated staff at the museum Mucem, denounces the decline in the number of civil servants. “The missions of reception and monitoring have been outsourced,” says his colleague Marina.

Behind a sign reading “we don’t let the selling out of collective rights”, the protesters rennes (2.800 depending on the prefecture) were accompanied by students, while at Montpellier, between 2.600 and 4,000 postal workers, researchers, customs, personal maintaining the roads, employees of hospitals including manifesting. “Neither selection, nor repression, repeal”, demanded of the students of the “common” of the university Paul Valéry protesting against the act, direction, and success of students who have come to join them.

Ulrich Bouchut, the collective égoutiers of the city of lyon, recalls having “a life expectancy of 17 years less than one frame, and seven years less than a worker”. He protests against the “challenge” of early retirement and “bonus after 20 years in the network”.

Trying to de-mine the growls, the secretary of State for the civil Service, Olivier Dussopt, has assured Monday that there would be no “questioning” of the statute, but “adjustments” and “modernization”.

The union police Alliance has organized an operation snail on a part of the paris ring to defend the special regime of retirement of police officers. A similar operation took place in Toulouse, france.

Unit – rare –

Determined, the trade unions representatives 5.7 million agents displayed a solidarity rare: the nine (CGT, CFDT, FO, Unsa, FSU, Solidaires, CFTC, CFE-CGC and FA) have launched a common call against “the evil of the public missions”, “the degradation of working conditions”, and for the purchasing power. Already united on 10 October, they did not appeal unit for the past ten years.

Another highlight was unprecedented since the controversial reform of the pensions, 2010: the five leaders of the main national trade unions will parade together, in Paris, from 14: 00, the place of the Republic to that of the Nation.

Relations have deteriorated since a year with the executive who is considering the removal of 120,000 positions over the course of the quinquennium.

It has also postponed by one year the plan for the revalorization of the careers of civil servants (PPCR) concluded under the previous government, maintained the freeze of the index point which is used in the calculation of wages, and re-instated on the day of deficiency (payment of the salary from the second day of illness).

A cooperation between the unions and the government, started in late march, has only aggravated the concerns. The directions identified, including an extension of the use of contract workers, are, according to them, an “attack” of the statute of the civil servant.

– High schools disturbed –

The reform must lead to a draft law in the 1st half of 2019, but officials are waiting with distrust the report CAP 22, which is supposed to open up ways for savings. Mr Dussopt predicted the proposals “more or less disruptive” and promised a “consultation phase” after the delivery of the report, expected in June.

The mobilization will present “under the best auspices” in view of the “lift” of land, says Jean-Marc Canon (CGT). The Snuipp-FSU, the first union among the professors of the schools, counts on a participation of 30%, against 25% on 22 march (16% according to the ministry).

In Paris, “five or six” high schools have been disrupted, according to the rector, with including blockages “filter”, in support of the civil servants but also to protest against the registration platform for graduate studies Parcoursup.

In the public sector, the previous day of action on 22 march, was attended 323.000 people in the street, according to the ministry of the Interior (500.000 according to the CGT) and the first, that of October 10, 209.000 (400.000).

On Tuesday, the cabinet Case will conduct the count in the capital for a group of media, including AFP.

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